Have A Smile You Can Be Proud Of

Have you ever caught yourself covering your mouth while laughing or trying not to smile because you do not want people to see your teeth? If yes, then you must know what kind of impact teeth have on your self-esteem. The good news is that you can achieve a smile that you can be proud of with a little effort and time.

Take a look at smile makeover treatment options

Consider Teeth Whitening:

Having stained teeth is a much more common problem then you think. Stains are a result of excessive smoking and drinking things like coffee, tea, and red wine. You can get rid of these stains through a simple tooth whitening procedure. It may seem easier and cheaper to purchase a tooth whitening kit, but the truth is you cannot reach the same level of cleanliness. Many of these products do not even work and are a waste of money and time.

Do yourself a favor and meet a professional dentist who will inspect the problem and devise just the right strategy to deal with the problem. If you already have white teeth, you need to keep them that way. First of all, quit smoking, other than the obvious health risks, the habit is terrible for the health of your teeth. Brush regularly, cut down on caffeinated drinks and red wine and try to use a straw whenever you can.

Get Rid Of Gaps

Many times having gaps between your teeth is not your fault. Usually, people have them naturally and cannot do anything about their teeth growing that way. But you can take countermeasures to deal with the problem. From dental bonding to braces, tackle the problem by grabbing an appointment with your dentist. They can help you decide and plan the best course of action for you.

Getting braces can take a long time but since the teeth are your natural ones, you do not have to do a lot of aftercare. On the other hand, you can opt for dental crowns and see the results in only one or two appointments. Some people have had metal fillings in their teeth and are embarrassed about it when they have to open wide. With the technology that we have today, you can get those removed and resin ones used. The dentist will match the color with that of your teeth, and no one will be able to tell the difference.

Replace Your Lost Teeth

In today's day and age, you do not need to be sad if you lose your teeth or if a part of it chips away. You can always have crowns placed on the broken part, and there are various ways of replacing your old teeth. You can either consider dental implants if you are looking for a long tie solution. Other options include bridge, dentures, or partial dentures.

Bottom Line:

Smiling is a vital part of our life, and there is no reason why you should hide yours. You can always get a smile that you can be proud of by regularly cleaning your teeth and not missing your dentist appointments. But if undesirable actions have already done the damage, you need to look for methods to make it right.

Request a smile makeover consultation here: https://www.newyorkdentaloffice.com or call New York Dental Office at (212) 548-3261 for an appointment in our New York dental office.

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